Mittwoch, 22. September 2010

d.fleiss & east west artists Mallnitz Austria 2010

d. fleiss & east-west artists e. V.


4Th International DFEWA Symposium of Modern Art MALLNITZ

Austria: Christine KERTZ, Linhong ZHAO ( Austria/ China) China: CAO TAO Italy:Antonella PROTA GIURLEO Macedonia: Nikola SMILKOV Marocco: Wafaa MEZOUR Montenegro: Vahida NIMANBEGU Poland: Bartosz FRACZEK, Wlodzimierz KARANKIEWICZ, Romania: , Adrian GOLBAN, GYÖRY Csaba, Edward HERCZEG, GYÖNGYI KÁROLY-ZÖLD, Titi NEACSU, Serban ROSCA, Andrea SAMPALEANU, Eva TOLAN, Vasile TOLAN, Serbia: Borko Petrović, STOJSIC Nebojsa, Spain: Giuseppe STRANO SPITU Thailand: Kitti MALEEPHAN Turkey: Özlem KALKAN ERENUS, Gulay ALPAY ( Canada Turkey) UK: Zsuzsanna ARDÓ (Hungary, UK) Hungary: GERÒCS Eva, Miklos KLOTZ, RAINER Máté USA: Camelia DEZNAN
Place: Mallnitz - Austria
DFEWA Residence: Hotel Kärntnerhof
Opening: 3rd October 2010 – at 8.oo PM
During: 03 – 17 October 2010
Curator: Dorothea Fleiss Director DFEWA Germany, Elisabeth Koch, Germany
Organisation: d. fleiss & east – west artists e. V. Stuttgart, Germany,
Catalogue: online
Exhibition: the sculptures will by installed at the “DFEWA Dream- landscape” Sculpture park at Mallnitz Austria and at the National Park Oberntauern; the small sculptures and two-dimensional works at the NAHVISION Institute for International Culture Exchange Stuttgart, Germany 2011 and at the ART MUSEUM Ankara , Turkey.

Dorothea Fleiss and several western and eastern artists founded the Non Profit Association „d. fleiss & east-west artists e. V." for professional artists, in January 1998.
The purpose of our association is to establish a working basis for the cooperation between artists from eastern and western countries.Our aim is to encourage and to improve the cultural and the artistic exchange between outstanding artists originating from different historical backgrounds, defined by eastern and western countries, respectively.
A great impact to achieve this aim is granted by artists from all around the world being in close contact to each other and to our association.
With the participation of western and eastern artists in symposia and group exhibitions held in the East or in the West (between 2000 and 2010 in Germany, China, Romania, Hungary, Serbia, France, Turkey) these artists will contribute to create a broader understanding of the contemporary arts in the respective part of the world. In the past 10 year more than 900 artists, writers, musician, art historian taking part in our projects in Germany, Romania, Serbia, France and China.

In this year is the 4th –d. fleiss & east west artists” Symposia of Modern Art Residency Hotel Kärtnerhof Mallnitz AUSTRIA, curetting by Dorothea Fleiss and Elisabeth Koch.
More than 40 artists representing 16th countries from all-round of the world will participate (Painters, Photographers, Sculptors, Musicians ...).
At the DFEWA RESIDENCY MALLNITZ HOTEL KÄRTNERHOF we have more than 250m² working space, where we have the possibility to work together and hold meeting- discourses about the “currents in the Arts today”. In this year it will by a great opportunity for all participants to creating and prepare together a big Performance & Installation –VENICE 1920- at the time of our visit at the Architecture Biennale in Venice- 2010.

Dorothea Fleiss
Elisabeth KochHotel Kärntnerhof

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