In the past 10 years in Carinthia, Austria
d. fleiss & east-west artist e.V. with
the Pro Arte Mallnitz e.V.
organized all
years one time, The DFEWA Symposia of
modern art, curated by Dorothea Fleiss and Elisabeth Koch.
The DFEWA Event exhibition
opening 2016 was linked with the opening of the Art and Aqua Sculpture Park Mallnitz, where are exhibited sculptures
created during the past 10 year by the participants at the DFEWA RESIDENCY
MALLNITZ, at the Hotel Kärntner Hof.
The sculpture park will be the start of a
planned art-tracking-route in the Tauern Valley where in future several wells
will be built in cooperation with international and local artists residents of
the DFEWA ( D. Fleiss & East West Artists) Symposia Mallnitz, to
demonstrate the importance and value of water.
Mallnitzer Nachrichten, Seite 9, 2016
Community Mallnitz
European- Retail- Academy

DFEWA MALLNITZ 2016 CATALOGUE by Morakot Ketklao